Apr 13, 2021 Release Notes

Lender Portal

LendingQB: Ability to update the Loan Number

Effective with this release, clients using our LendingQB integration can now update the the Loan Number for an application in the Lender Portal. Normally our platform is informed of LOS Loan Number changes within the Lender's LOS, at which time we update the LOS Loan Number in our platform to match. This capability provides Lenders with a "last resort" tool to keep an application's LendingQB loan number in the Lender Portal in sync with the application's loan number inLendingQB.

Ability to refresh Finicity VOA Reports

This release adds the ability for Lender Portal users to refresh Fincity VOA reports for an application through the Verification of Assets section of the Services Tab.

New Default Value for the Question: Send invitation to borrower?

Originally, when creating a new application in the Lender Portal, the answer to the question Send invitation email to borrower? always defaulted to No. This release changes the default answer to Yes. This enhancement eliminates a step for most Lenders who want their LOs to always generate the invitation email when creating a new application.

Ability to Manage Notification Delivery Preferences

This release adds the ability for the Lender Portal user to choose to have notifications delivered via email (the default), SMS, or both. This ability has been added to the Account Settings, page, which the user can access by clicking their name in the upper righthand corner of the Dashboard (Pipeline) page.

Realtime Access Level Updates

In the past, updates to Lender Portal Access Levels required hours for the change take effect. This release eliminates this time delay so that changes take effect almost immediately.

Borrower Portal

Improved Messaging when No Loan Options are Returned

For the Borrower Portal task used to display loan product options, in some cases, the task did not properly inform the Borrower that the pricing engine was unavailable or otherwise unable to return pricing.

Effective with the current release, we display the following default message so that the Borrower understands what happened and what to do next:

"We are currently unable to provide loan options. For further information please contact your loan originator. Please continue to the next task."

If you would like a different message to be displayed, then please contact us at support@revvin.com.

Last updated