Lender Hub Pipeline View

Upon logging into the Lender Hub, you will be greeted by the pipeline view. This dashboard shows all loan files currently being processed, with a powerful sorting and filtering engine to assist in locating particular loan files.

On the left there are tabs for the loan pipeline, exports, user management, archive and reporting. Note that all users of your platform may not have access to all of these tabs, this can be configured by access levels (see access level documentation here and user management documentation here).

A new application can be created using the button on the top right.

This will open a prompt to input the site the application is associated with, the first name, last name, and email address of the applicant, as well as the option to send a formal email invitation to the applicant.

At the top of the loan pipeline, we see all the options for sorting loan files. Loan files can be sorted by start date, Name, email address, site, loan type, primary agent (loan officer), LOS loan #, the percent of completion level of the application, the submitted date, the last access date, or the application status.

One thing to note is that the percent of completion of an application is tied to the borrower site only, so if a loan officer is completing an application in the lender site on behalf of the borrower, this column will not display the correct completion level, or it may display as blank as seen in the example below.

At the top there is also a search bar to search for applications, and a filter menu. Applications can be searched by name, email, loan number, LOS loan number, primary loan officer, or the site they are associated with.

We have also included a powerful filter engine to simplify the pipeline view. This allows you to filter applications by application ID, site, start date, percent of completion, submission date, LOS loan number, last access date, loan folder, borrower first name, borrower last name, borrower email address, borrower phone number, borrower social security number, borrower citizenship status, borrower marital status, borrower military status, subject property type, subject property value, subject property mixed-usage (yes/no), mortgage amount, mortgage down-payment amount, mortgage purpose, current loan milestone, assigned agent name, and assigned agent email address.

Once you select a criteria for filtering the loan pipeline, you can select if you are filtering results to be exactly, different than, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the filter criteria. You can also filter for the particular criteria being blank or not being blank.

For many filter criteria, a third dropdown will appear with all viable options. For example, if you select "site", a dropdown of all sites within your Lender Hub will appear. If you were to select subject property usage type, a dropdown with primary residence, second home, and investment property would appear.

Finally, click "add" to add the filter to the pipeline view. The current filters will appear next to the search box. You can apply multiple filters to one loan pipeline. In the below example, the pipeline has been filtered to only display loans from the "Vision Mortgage" site, assigned to the Loan Officer "Sarah Sarahson", with an LOS loan number which is not blank. Also note the number of loan files returned is displayed in the bottom left.

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