API Playground

Our GraphQL API Playground provides both detailed technical specifications for the API and an environment where you can run test queries and mutations.

Our GraphQL API is in pre-release mode at this time. You should expect frequent changes and growing capabilities (read more).

Using the Playground

To access the API Playground, you need to open the appropriate GraphQL API endpoint URL in your browser.

Running a Query

A query is used to request data from GraphQL. This is an example of a query named GetMyPartner (this is an arbitrary name of your choice) which calls the predefined API query partnerand returns a list of all the sites for your Partner with their id, name and domain.

The way the query is written below, it requires you to pass a required parameter id of type ID.

query GetMyPartner($id: ID!) {
  partner(id: $id) {
    sites {
      items {

To run the query simply paste it in the playground and pass the required variables:

Running a Mutation

A mutation is used to modify data. This is an example of a mutation named UpdateApplicantEmailMutation which calls the predefined API mutation calledupdateApplicantEmail update a borrower's email address by passing in 2 variables:

  • applicantId of type ID , required

  • newEmail of type String, required

mutation UpdateApplicantEmailMutation($applicantId: ID!, $newEmail: String!) {
    updateApplicantEmail(applicantId: $applicantId, newEmail: $newEmail)

You can pass the required variables to the mutation by

Exploring the Docs Tab

How do you know what queries and mutations are available to you? Open the Docs tab in the playground and you will get all the latest definitions. The documentation is updated with each release that we deploy.

Along with the available query and mutation names you will be able to see the possible data fields that you can request for each one, as well as the parameters that each one takes along with their types.

Exploring the Schema Tab

The schema is the set of type definitions for the input parameters and return fields of each query and mutation. From the query example above, each sites item is of type Site. Using the schema, you will know that a query can request 1 or more of the fields defined by the Site type.

Last updated